Elton John Tells Janet Jackson To “F*ck Off,” Says He’d “Rather See A Drag Queen”

Elton John may have put his decade-old feud with Madonna to bed, but that doesn’t mean he’s no longer foaming at the mouth over divas and their occasional tendencies to lip sync — he’s just re-directed that anger toward Janet Jackson.

In case you don’t remember, Elton and Madonna have been at each other’s throats since at least 2004, when he told her Madgesty to “fuck off” in a public statement directed at her lip-syncing.

“Best fucking live act?” he said at the time. “Since when has lip syncing been live?”
Never one to miss an opportunity to call out a perceived lack of talent, Elton directed that same energy at Janet in a new interview with Rolling Stone, which covered the recent release of his 32nd studio album, Wonderful Crazy Night.

“I say what I feel,” he said when asked about the feud. “I probably went too far with Madonna, and I got very personal and I wrote her – she was very gracious.”

He continued: “You know, fucking music magazines writing a review of Janet Jackson saying, ’This is the greatest show – four and a half stars.’ It’s fucking lip-synced! Hello! That’s not a show! I’d rather go and see a drag queen. Fuck off.”

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