: Mother Embraces Her Daughter ' s Killer In Court . The Reason Why , Will Amaze You !

Two years after her daughter was shot to death by a
classmate in a school bus, her mother Ady Guzman-
DeJesus faced her daughter's killer, Jordyn Howe, in
But what she did then is something that most people
have a hard time to understand.
She went up to Jordyn, gave him a hug, and agreed that
he should get a lower sentence.
It can be difficult to imagine how a parent could hug the
person who had shot your child to death, but Ady saw
an opportunity to give this young teenager a chance
instead of putting him behind bars for lifetime from what
seems to have been an accident.
So what was it that actually happened?
It seems that Jordyn had taken his stepfather's gun to
school and accidentally shot Ady's daughter. He was
showing the gun to his friends on the school bus when
he accidentally shot Lourdes in the neck which led to
her death.
At first, Ady wanted to put the boy behind bars for the
rest of his life, but changed her mind when she realized
that Jordyn was actually just a kid at the time and had
his whole life in front of him. What Ady then came up
with was to offer him an opportunity, a way to redeem
After Jordyn has spent one year in prison, he will be
touring around Florida together with Ady talking about
the dangerous of carrying weapons and their tragic
Ady's decision show how amazingly forgiving people
can be, and even if some people can't understand or
agree with her decision, being forgiving might be the
only way to get over something like this.
I wonder how many can still display such act of
forgiveness today. How many Nigerians still have such a
heart ?,
To you reader, can you freely forgive such a person ?
We admire Ady for her courage and divine ability to
Rest in peace Lourdes
credits - fortafy

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