Man hacked to death for confronting herbalist

Itoro, the first son and the breadwinner of the
family, was allegedly hacked to death by a herbalist,
Ette Okon on Friday, following a misunderstanding.
Rita Emmanuel, a cousin of the  deceased, a commercial
motor cyclist, told the story of the murder. According to
her, Itoro lived with his parents in their grass house in
Ikot Abasi Effiom, in Akpabuyo Local Government Area of
Cross River State until he rented a room in a house
close to his parents'.
"About a month ago, he decided to rent a room in
the next street so that his wife who was about to
deliver a baby could have more space and we all
agreed that it was okay. He got a room in Ette
Friday's house and moved there".
Rita explained that everything was fine until Ndarake,
Itoro's wife, gave birth and the baby died within days.
After the death of the baby, the wife, according to the
cousin, became sick and suffered epileptic seizures.
Friday, described as a herbalist, was said to have
claimed he could heal the woman and asked for N5.000
to get materials to heal her.
Rita stated that after Friday took the money, he assured
Itoro that his wife would soon recover and commenced
treatment but that didn't happen.
Rita said:"Last year, Itoro lost his first wife after
she gave birth to their second daughter; so
he was worried that his second wife taking care of
the two children was going to die too. He asked
the herbalist why the state of his wife was getting
worse when it ought to be improving since the
man had been given the money he demanded and
he assured that he would treat the woman . The
man did not say anything; he simply went inside
his shrine and brought out a machete and cut
Itoro's throat".
A resident, who gave his name as Monday, said when
people heard Itoro's cries that night, they rushed to the
herbalist's house and met Itoro in a pool of blood.
According to him, when the herbalist saw them, he
threatened them with a machete. This, he said, angered
the residents who took matters into their
hands, overpowered him, cut his own throat, dumped
the body inside the shrine and set the place ablaze.
"The remains of the herbalist were eaten by dogs which
he deserves because we could not understand why he
should kill a young man for asking why the state of his
wife whom he was treating was worsening rather than
Mr Hogan Bassey, the spokesman for the Command,
said the matter was being investigated.

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