How ISIS sells the ''prettiest virgins' to sex slave markets in Syria

ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins”
from the women they capture and sending them to
their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according
to a UN expert.
Brave women who resist the murderous terrorists are
subjected to horrific fate.
Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN
secretary general on sexual violence, has spoken to
women who have endured sexual violence at the
hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi
She spoke of how the terror group strips girls naked,
conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave
auctions after they have attacked their villages, often
killing their husbands, fathers and brothers.
Fierce haggling usually breaks out at slave auctions,
where the girls are sold naked,but Takfiri leaders are
the first to choose, followed by emirs and finally the
fighters, Bangura noted.Each purchaser usually takes
three or four girls, keeps them for a couple of
months, and then sells them off after getting tired of
them, she added.
We heard of one girl who was traded 22 times
and of a Takfiri leader who had written his
name on the girl’s hand to show that she was
his “property,” the UN envoy said.
Having found out that the girls were using
headscarves to hang themselves, the Takfiri group
banned them from wearing headscarves in some
regions, the Sierra Leonean activist added.
During the interview, she also talked about a girl
who had been burned alive after refusing to carry out
extreme sexual acts.
Culled from Press TV

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