Photos: Woman finds maggots in her in-flight meal

Van Heerden and her family, from Pretoria, South
Africa were on board the 09:15am Air Mauritius
flight MK851 headed for OR Tambo on Thursday
morning when she made the nauseating
The Van Heerden's had just enjoyed a 9-day
Sugar Bay beach break on the island of Mauritius
but unfortunately it was not about to end well.
"It was really upsetting for me, as I had eaten half
of my meal already," said Van Heerden. "I believe
they came from the mushrooms, I looked down,
asking myself, 'What is this? I took a photo with
my iPad and enlarged it. That's when I saw it
was a maggot and said 'no this can’t be?'."
"Maggots!?” After bringing it to the flight
attendants attention, Van Heerden said he
explained it might be some “kind of spice”. "He
tried to cut it in front of me and then agreed that
it definitely was not a spice. It was a maggot. I
didn’t even think to get the flight attendants
name, as I was too busy concentrating on not
throwing up."
According to Van Heerden, the male flight
attendant was very apologetic, saying how sorry
he was when he took the meal away. But it was
the attitude of a female flight attendant that
disappointed Van Heerden the most. "She did not
apologise, she only brought me a form and said
she would bring the issue to the attention of the
catering company. They didn’t even bring me
water or offer me Eno even though I was clearly
feeling very ill and even told them I was feeling
sick. Instead, I had to take two nausea tablets
from a lady who was sitting two rows down from
me," Van Heerden said.
Air Mauritius is investigating the matter and will
respond with comment as soon as possible.
Source: Traveller24

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