Man divorces his wife for watching and dancing to music television channels

A Saudi woman was instantly divorced by her husband when he caught her dancing in front of the television which was tuned to a music channel. It was reported that he had warned her severally not to watch such t.v channels, that she should only watch religious t.v programs stations that he usually watch. She ciphered the t.v stations he didn
't want her to watch so he wouldn't know she watches it behind him. Read what a source said below:

"She said that she waited for him to go out on that day, turned on her favorite channel and started to dance. As she was dancing, her husband returned home but she did not hear him coming as the music was loud. She said that when he saw her dancing, he immediately divorced her despite her pleas. She said he told her that what she did was an unforgivable marital betrayal and that she violated his instructions,”

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