New study suggests kissing can lead to cancer

A new study suggests  that yet another one of life's greatest pleasures might lead to cancer.

A top surgical doctor in Australia says kissing can lead to the development of head and neck cancer. Yes, it sounds like something you might tell little Bobby to keep them from sucking face with the girl next door — but it's actually science.

Around 14,000 throat cancer cases are reported every year in the U.S., and studies show that 70 percent of those are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) — which has also been known to cause cervical cancer. Oral HPV can be passed through oral sex and French kissing — and the more kissing partners you've had, the higher the risk.

This new finding could really kill the mood on your next date night, but fortunately, there are a series of vaccinations available to help prevent HPV infections. So schedule a date with your doctor first!

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