MUST WATCH & READ: Physical V1rginity Tests in Africa!To all Ladies out there – anyone of you dare to take this tests ? VIDEO

“We are arguing that this practice undermines the principles of equality, freedom and human dignity. It is difficult to tell whether or not a girl has had intercourse and after touching about 600 girls you can easily transfer infections.”
Girls between the age of seven and 26 lie on a mat in front of the woman doing the test, which only takes a few seconds. It is often carried out with bare hands and the tester seldom washes them.
Girls who pass get white stars pasted on their foreheads and a certificate confirming their virginity.
“We have come here to celebrate and keep our culture going,” 16- year-old Brenda Mkhize told Reuters television after her test.
“It’s better to be a virgin than to have AIDS and have a baby at the age of 16…we don’t see any reason to sleep with a guy, and I think I will stay like this until I get married.”

Mkhize was one of hundreds of girls attending a virginity celebration at a sports stadium near Durban in December.
Afterwards, the girls sang and danced in traditional Zulu fashion.
“We are here because we are proud of ourselves, because we are virgins,” another girl said.
Any volunteers from Asia for this tests??????

Well physical virginity tests were also reported in India as shown in the video above dated August 3rd, 2009. That so called tests received widespread condemnations by leaders and elders.
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