Read how corrupt he is… You see why he doesn't
want to hear anything probe?
Enjoy the interesting write up below..
"When General Abdulsalami came to power, he
exhibited an accumulated and accentuated thirst
for money. I stumbled on some documents and
video cassettes even while in retirement.
"There was the case of $40 million contributed by
multinationals for General Sani Abacha's
transmutation to civilian president. I gave the
cassette of his disclosure to help him clean the
system not knowing that he would use it to clean
me out of the system because three days later I
was arrested. I urge the commission to
investigate this money contributed by
multinational towards Abacha's self-succession.
"There was also the case of Engineer Buba
Galadima, Director of NMA whom General
Abdulsalami Abubakar directed to release N5
billion from the NMA to the minister through Chief
Hope Ozodinma. But Galadima refused saying it
was beyond his power to do so. That same
afternoon, a lorry load of soldiers invaded his
house managed him and took him to an unknown
destination. He was ordered to put in his letter of
resignation so as to look as if he resigned
voluntarily but he refused and asked General
Abubakar to fire him. He was fired and he was
given two hours to vacate his official quarters.
"The N5 billion was to be shared like this: "1.35
to be given to the minister, Chief Hope would be
given N265 million and $18 million would be
given to General Abubakar. I have documents to
prove this (He than tendered the documents).
"There is the issue of the printing of new naira
denominations, of 100, 200 and 500. I shared
Mustapha's opinions on this which he explained
in his testimony that it was a booby trap for
President Olusegun Obasanjo to fail. I have 13
documents to prove this which I shall tender,
before this commission.
"When General Abacha was alive the idea of the
printing of new naira denominations was mooted.
Three companies bided for the contract – J.B. of
Munich; Thomas & Co. Of London, and Bodous of
Germany. They all submitted their quotations.
They all agreed on $30 per one thousand pieces
but General Abacha said it was too much. The
agreement was not sealed before his death. When
General Abdulsalami came on board, he said it
should be printed at $45 per thousand. G & D
was given the contract of printing and here was
the company reputed for tax evasion. The
company has offices in Germany, Greece, Spain,
Belgium, Argentina and other places, but only has
a liaison office in Nigeria. The company evaded
tax to the tune of 2 million Dutch marks in
Germany. This is the same company given the job
to print the money I commenced investigations
into the activities of this company but General
Abubakar ordered me to stop it. All these were
known to him.
"The NTA in its news at 7 and 9 p.m. on January
11, 2001 reported that a container load of fake
naira notes was discovered in Jos and Maiduguri.
This is what I am talking about.
"During Abdulsalami's time, our soldiers in
ECOMOG were not treated well at all. General
Victor Malu then ECOMOG Commander once had
cause to complain of adulterated fuel sent to
them. When the contract for the supply of food to
our soldiers was changed, it was given to one
lady, I will mention her name later.
When General Abacha was alive 45 dollars was
approved a day for each of our soldiers but when
Gen. Abubakar came to power he increased it.
But instead of giving them the money, they were
given the old rate, where is the balance?
"There is the issue of parting gift to each PRC
member. N1 million was agreed as parting gift for
each PRC member or 500,000 dollars. I inquired
from two PRC members later differently. I asked
them jokingly that I learnt you were all given ½ a
million dollars as parting gift. Where is my own
share now? But they told me it was only 50,000
dollars. So what happened to the remaining
450,000 dollars per each PRC member times the
total PRC members?
Before General Abacha died, he left a foreign
reserve of 9.7 billion dollars. There are papers to
show this. But Abubakar claimed that only 7.17
billion dollars was left in the reserve what
happened to the balance? This reserve that
Abacha accumulated in five years, Abdulsalami
depleted if in nine months.
"Eagle Square here in Abuja was being renovated
yearly when General Oseni was FCT Minister.
Consultants were appointed for the renovation at
N230 million. But General Abdulsalami rejected
this and opted for upward review of N2.3 billion
as against N230m.
"Also through 59 million dollars he siphoned from
government coffers he bought a house in London
at 5 million pounds renovated it at 1 million
"Before General Abacha died he approved 66
million Dutch marks for the maintenance of Alpha
jets and other aircraft. When Abubakar took over
he wrote another memo for the sum of
44,275,000 dollars for the same maintenance. I
would have wished he was here to cross check if
this signature on these documents were his.
"There was also another memo from the CGS
dated March 17 1999 at the injury time of the
administration. There was request for the
purchase of boats at 45 million dollars, purchase
of amphibious plane at 21,747,660 dollars; and
5,000 rain coats jacket to cost 14,500,00 dollars.
The normal cost of one rain coat to pocket were
from rain is 45 dollar per piece and the total cost
for the 5,000 rain coats should be 2,9000 dollars.
It was signed by General Abdulsalami Abubakar
to be purchased on ECOMOG issue, apart from
the naval personnel that used to transport the
food items, it was later given to merchant ships.
"There is the issue of Engineer Ibrahim Ali, MD of
NPA. General Abubakar called him one day and
told him since General Abacha did not give you
free hand to do your duties, bring your quotation
and I will give you the wherewithal to execute it.
He brought it to Abdulsalami. He met Alhaji
Gidado Idris, former Secretary to the Federation
there. Abdulsalami approved it for execution but
when Ali left Abdulsalami ordered Gidado Idris to
fire Ali when Gidado wanted to refuse, he told him
that if he didn't do it somebody else would do it
and that was how he was fired.

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