EL RENO, Okla. (AP) — President Barack Obama got a first-hand look at
the nation's criminal justice system Thursday, touring a federal prison
and meeting with incarcerated men. After peering into a sterile prison
cell, he said the nation needs to reconsider the way crime is controlled
and prisoners are rehabilitated.
Obama, who has vowed to make criminal justice reform a centerpiece of
his closing months in office, said he also felt a kinship with some of
the young inmates.
"When they describe their youth and their childhood, these are young
people who made mistakes that aren't that different than the mistakes I
made," Obama said following his private meeting at the El Reno Federal
Correctional Institution, a medium-security prison for male offenders
near Oklahoma City.
The president said there must be a distinction between young people
"doing stupid things" and violent criminals. Young people who make
mistakes, he said, could be thriving if they had access to resources and
support structures "that would allow them to survive those mistakes."
Among the changes Obama is seeking is the reduction or outright
elimination of severe mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent
offenders. Earlier this week, he used his presidential powers to shorten
the prison sentences of 46 people convicted on charges involving drugs.
The president has also called for restoring voting rights to felons
who have served their sentences, and said employers should "ban the box"
that asks job applicants about their criminal histories.
The White House said Obama was the first sitting president to visit a
federal prison. The presidential motorcade rolled past fences topped
with multiple layers of razor wire as it entered the sprawling prison
After his meeting with inmates, Obama walked past rows of empty cells
secured by large grey doors. Prison officials opened cell no. 123 for
the president, who gazed at its sparse trappings: a bunk bed and third
bed along the wall, a toilet and sink, along with a small bookcase and
three lockers.
"Three full-grown men in a 9-by-10 cell," he said.
Obama has expressed hope that Congress will send him legislation to
address the issue before he leaves office in 18 months, given the level
of interest in the issue among Republican lawmakers and presidential
Presidential security was no small part of Thursday's intriguing Obama outing.
The goal of incarceration usually is to keep people with criminal
histories far away from a president, not to put a president in their
Who comes and goes from a prison is strictly limited and everyone's background is known.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said "unique steps" were to
be taken to protect Obama during the visit. He did not elaborate.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a 2016 presidential contender, is pushing to
restore voting rights to nonviolent felons who have served their
sentences. Another GOP candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, was
giving a speech Thursday calling for changes that in part would give
nonviolent drug offenders a better chance at rebuilding their lives.
From shortening the prison sentences of nearly four-dozen non-violent
drug offenders to advocating the reduction, or outright elimination, of
severe mandatory minimum sentences to visiting a federal prison, Obama
this week has argued forcefully for an alternative to the continued
lengthy incarceration of people convicted of crimes he said did not fit
the punishment.
Overly harsh prison sentences, particularly for nonviolent drug
crimes, are to blame for doubling the prison population in the past two
decades, Obama said earlier this week. Half a million people were behind
bars in 1980, a figure that has since quadrupled to its current total
of more than 2.2 million inmates.
Obama has expressed hope that Congress will send him legislation to
address the issue before he leaves office in 18 months, given the level
of interest in the issue among Republican lawmakers and presidential
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