Did you know that there is an Island of Black People

Did you know that there is an Island of Black People called “North Sentinel Island” that has lived in isolation for over 60,000 years? No white person has ever seen or been on the ”interior” of the Island, because they have one Rule: If You Come There, They Kill You. No Negotiations, No Trinkets, No Treaties, No white missionaries, No white medicine, No Bibles, No wh

ite money, No Anthropologists, No white language, No Media - if you go there they will kill you. Period. Point Blank. They are called the “Sentinelese.” and they are Black and have Survived completely on their Own for over 60,000 years!!!!
The Sentinelese are dark skin with "peppercornair, described as negritos from Africa. When someone wanders to their island, like it happened for two white fishermen on January 26, 2006, they relentlessly murdered them by slitting their throats and tossing them into a shallow grave. So protective are the Sentinelese of their territory that an Indian coastguard helicopter that attempted to retrieve the white fishermen’s bodies, was greeted by a volley of arrows from the tribesmen that prevented the craft from landing. Btw, Their arrows are 2.5 meters or 8.3 Feet in length, we not talking about the little arrows you see in Wal-Mart.
Also, the Sentinelese survived the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the deadliest in recorded history, with few or no casualties. With no help from white people. The tsunami killed more than 230,000 people in surrounding countries, it appears that the Sentinelese were able to sense the coming of the tsunami and escape to higher ground before it arrived. When an Indian Navy helicopter arrived 3 days after to check on their well-being and drop food parcels on the beach, a Sentinelese warrior came out of the jungle with bow and arrow and warned the helicopter to leave - They did not want and money or help from outsiders.
North Sentinel Island is a part of the Andaman Island tribes, however North Sentinel Island stands alone. Look at the comparison of the North Sentinel Island to the Southern Islands...when the British established their colony on South Andaman Islands in 1858, the native population was nearly 7,000 people. But the British arrival was followed by a succession of epidemics, including pneumonia, measles, mumps, and the Russian flu, which decimated the tribes. After more than 150 years of exposure to Western diseases, their numbers dropped to fewer than 100 people, and continue to decline. Some of the tribes have gone completely extinct. However, the Sentinelese, by refusing contact with the outside world, are the only tribe that has avoided this fate.
North Sentinel Island is amazingly well suited to both support and isolate a tribe like the Sentinelese. It's too small to interest settlers or colonial powers and unlike many of those islands, North Sentinel has no natural harbors, so there's no good place for a ship to come. Furthermore, the island is surrounded by a ring of submerged coral reefs that prevent large ships from approaching.
Today anyone with a laptop and internet access can use Google Earth to spy on places that are not meant to be seen by outsiders. You can look at satellite photos of Area 51, the secret military air base in the Navada desert. You can look at Mount Weather, a secret facility in Virginia that is rumored to be the place that members of Congress are evacuated in times of national emergency. You can even peer down on secret watersides on the outskirts of Pyongyang, North Korea, that are the playground of that country's Communist Party elite.
But when you look down on North Sentinel Island, You rarely bits of see the Sentinelese, their dwellings, or anything else that might shed light on how many people are there on the island, or how they live their lives. The dense jungle canopy that covers virtually every inch of the island conceals everything, except the outter beaches. Even when viewed from outer space, the Sentinelese remain virtually free from prying eyes - except very rare photos of small parts of the island.
The Sentinelese Salute!!! because they never fell for the White Man’s Tricks that would have definitely landed them Dead, Extinct, their women and boys raped, and everyone would have been in Slavery like us and every other set of black people all over the world - they rejected white religion, they rejected white money, they rejected white help, they rejected white language, they rejected white medicine, the point is they completely rejected white folk, their images and all their influences and have survived just fine for over 60,00 years!
Now someone please tell me why we can't make it own our own?? or how integration helped us?? Just food for thought...This is Adrian X, and this is “Just My 2 Cents.”
I want to thank Tariq Nasheed, Producer of the Hidden Colors Series, who spoke about this Island during his speech, when I attended his speech in Atlanta, GA last night.
References: http://www.neatorama.com/2013/07/08/The-Forbidden-Island/

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