Photo of Boko Haram survivor who just became a graduate

26-year-old Abubakar Umar (pictured center) is a
survivor of Boko Haram attack. He was shot in both arms
in November 2014 in Kano during one of the terrorists
He graduated with a degree in Petroleum Chemistry at
the American University of Nigeria, Yola Adamawa state
yesterday May 11th.
"I think I should have died on that day, I could have died
on that day. I lost so much blood, there wasn't any
medication. I just saw these people coming out of the
bush. They were screaming 'Allahu Akbar' (God is
greatest) and shooting at my car.
At first I stopped because some of them had military
trousers and boots but then I noticed their headbands
and what they were saying, so I realised they were
insurgents. They shot me in my right arm. I continued
(driving). I didn't know where I was going. I just kept on
driving. I thought I would reach a checkpoint and report
the case. I never met any checkpoint. I put mud and
chicken dung on my head to look like a madman. I
removed my shoes and put them in my pocket… (but) I
didn't see Boko Haram. But somehow I think the Lord
kept me alive for a special reason and one of those
reasons was to complete my degree. I've made it and
I've graduated, so I'm very happy" he said as he picked
up his degree.

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