Breaking News!!! Ndi Igbo Letter To Prof. Wole Soyinka- Lawrence Duru

TO: Professor Wole Soyinka
FROM: Lawrence Duru
Re: Igbos vote based on their stomach, they suffer from incurable money mindedness:

I am indeed disappointed in these unguided utterances and inconsiderate statement from a renowned professor of our time. You are a man I have so much respect for. I can’t believe at this stage of your life, and as an elder statesman, you could make this unwarranted comment that is capable of erupting wording crises and hatred amongst the Igbos and Yorubas especially on the social platforms. This is a nonchalant attitude that could threaten the relationship of people. Well, Igbos will shun, for the sake of peace and respect they have for elders especially for people with white-hair. I don't think they have lost such moral decadence.
Honestly, I am one of those young Nigerians who respect you so much and who with passion, want to follow your path in education. I find time in reading your novels and other works of yours because they make sense. When I read through those few paragraphed statements on the internet i didn't believe it.Your comment was no doubt taken from a heart of hatred.
If truly you made such statement about the Igbos, then you have become something else my noble professor. Tribalism, bigotism and nepotism is the least I expect from you. The other day, it was FFK. Before the election, it was Oba of Lagos (Rilwan A.) and now, you of all people. Why all these bitterness about the Igbos? Why the bigotry? Even the just concluded election where the Yorubas betrayed the South-Easterners in voting massively for the victory of a Norther did not see the country thorn apart, so why are you insulting the Igbos? Nigerian politics you and I know is money and power game. What makes you think the West is free from this “money and power” game syndrome?

I am highly disappointed in you I must tell you Prof. I can’t believe you are one of those people who encourage tribalism and hatred in Nigeria. This is high level of XENOPHOBIA I must tell you. And I am sure you have commented on the issue of SOUTH-AFRICA recently. This is too bad of a professor! But how could you! Why this gesture that might instigate the Igbos to revolt? What are all these for? What impression are you trying to create? Do you want to tangle yourself in this decomposed/putrefactive Nigerian politics? Please don’t sell your respect or trade your high pedigree. You are an elder statesman, a renowned professor for that matter; please show us how to bring back our lost glory. “THINGS HAS FALLING APART AND NOTHING SEEMS TO BE AT EASE.” Am sure you read through that pierce of work by a fellow professor; late Chinua Achebe of blessed memories.
How you did suddenly abandoned your career field/ area of concentration for a rotten Nigerian politics is what I don’t understand. We don’t know you as a politician. Well, if you must play partisan politics, avoid some unwarranted comments that could result to hatred. By now, at your age sir, you should be thinking of how to help in re-uniting Nigeria as it were before. Honestly, I no longer see "One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity" anymore, and this could put the lives of our subsequent generations in serious danger. We should be concern about this my noble professor.
You and many others who actually knew what went wrong in Nigeria from the world-go should try to put things in other through intellectual works, so the younger generations can read and understand. What we need now is a rethink, a way forward, a re-unity as it used to be, a possible way to rebuild our dear country since your generation failed my generation.
Yes, your generation (every one of you that existed then) failed my generation (the later generation) because we inherited nothing. We inherited empty Nigeria, we inherited a generation where the rich became very far from the poor, a generation where rulership became a routine business for a particular set of people (whose lineages are traceable to people who had ruled in the past; their relatives and friends), a generation where the poor masses remained beggars of common social amenities, a generation where political thieves are been crowned with national awards (even the late Chinua Achebe refused to accept an award when he was called for one, because he was guilty and full of pity for the failed generation), a generation where thousands are being killed every day in the name of religion and desperate politics, a generation where the economy has been in a state of sorry (a devastating one) for decades, a generation where tribalism and bigotism is constantly in play (just as you, FFK and Oba of Lagos has proved), a generation where unemployment, crimes of various degree, insurgency and poverty became rampant, a generation where her economy doesn't have a second option should oil dependent economy collapses, a generation where curbing corruption is totally not possible and even the minds of everybody is corrupt (no leadership by example), a generation where even pastors and imams are political tools (lost direction), and so many ill-fated activities the once a gentle country has met over years. The ship is gradually sinking can't you see sir. Who will help us restore her strength again? Who will help us defend her unity, and uphold her honour and glory again? These and many questions we ask.
My highly respected prof is this not a failed generation? I think what your generation and mine should try to do now is getting things right again so the subsequent generations can inherit a better Nigeria. All hands should be on deck. Let’s shun abuses and mutual hatred generated from religious fanatism and ethnic sentiments.
A renowned professor like you should join hands in the growth of the nation. Nigeria is growing weaker every day. Let’s find a long lasting solution once and for all. Let’s go back to the drawing board to rectify what went wrong so we could fix it.
Long live Nigeria. Nigeria is for all…we have gone so far for all these hatred. We have gone a long way. Let's forget our blames and match-on. It will never be easy to start all over again. I hope you reason with me sir.
For the Igbos, they will continue to forge ahead. They can't be distracted. They will keep struggling in all fields of life because they are not lazy people. The world already know their strength and worth. The handwriting is boldly writing on the wall,and that's the "bitter truth." They deserve some respects my noble professor. Believe me, the Igbos will always forgive you, they are peaceful and loving people. Please have a rethink of such behaviour if truly you have joined the likes of Igbo-haters in the West.
However, I still have high regards for you my noble professor and Nobel Laureate. Nigerians have not lost moral decadence. That’s what we especially the youths held strongly from time immemorial.
"Imagine all the people living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
and the world will be as one."
- John Lennon

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