How a school in Ajah killed my son - grieving mother writes

I just got this email from a grieving mum who lost her 1
year old son last year at his creche in a school in Ajah.
He choked to death while eating. Read her heartbreaking
story below...
"Please share my story to the world. I would have
sent this earlier but it took God's Grace and
courage because I am still in pain. My son's name
is Oluwatamilore Holloway. I enrolled him in
Debiruss creche on the 16th of September as soon
as he clocked 1 on the 13th of sept, 2014. He was
loving and peaceful, but I wanted him to mingle
with people. On the 26th of November, 2014, I was
called by the school authority to meet them at
Budo Hospital in Ajah around 2pm. I was in Ajah
market so I rushed there, unfortunately I did not
meet my Tamilore alive, he was dead, I asked
them what happened and they couldn't give me
an answer.
I was told probably he was dehydrated and the
hospital told me he was brought in dead. I asked
the Nanny what happened, she said he woke up
and she was feeding him, that she gave him the
first spoon and that when she was about to give
him the second spoon, he started closing his
eyes, thank God for autopsy which revealed that
my son died due to Aspiration of Food particles in
the lungs, definitely, he was choked to death with
As soon as they heard the result was out, they
started coming to my house to beg me, they even
went to my priest in church. It had to take the
intervention of my priest that I should just leave
everything to God.
They came to me and they offered to close down
the creche and get a Nurse for the school and
that they would write my Family an Apology letter
, that was in January which I haven't gotten as I
write this .
I also noticed that during Christmas they had the
effontary to decorate their school, despite the fact
that my son just died, they told me they had
already contacted the decorator and that they
couldn't stop him, they even had Christmas party
which I felt it wasn't fair on my part.
I gave them 3 conditions that they should get a
professional Nurse, get a CCTV for their school
and they should get a Qualified child minder , but
they only came back to tell me they were going to
close the creche and that it will only be opened
for the children of their staff.
On the 6th of May,I went to the school to find out
what was happening, if they had truly closed the
creche, I went in through the back gate and I
went straight to the creche,I found out , they had
no Nurse, one of the child minders who was
working there,was still there, there was no CCTV
and the crèche was not closed down, because I
saw other children from outside who was also
with my son in the crèche. I was told they got a
Nurse and I think the working conditions was not
suitable for the Nurse so she had to leave.
My grievance is that they carried on in their
normal Business as if nothing happened, and I
expected them to do the needful, I did not even
ask them for a dime, but I said for the sake of
other children, they should get Qualified people
who will take care of the children should in case
first Aids has to be given but because they are
money conscious, they would rather let the worst
happen than prevent it, and what they do is to
convert an ordinary cleaner to a Nanny or child
minder to save cost. A Nanny who is not
experienced and who can't even feed a child.
They have to do the needful before they kill other
children, who can't speak for themselves like my
poor son.

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