14 year old girl sentenced to 40 years for drowning baby

A 14-year-old Dallas girl who drowned a 2 month old
baby out of jealousy was sentenced by a juvenile
court judge on Friday to 40 years in custody, the
maximum punishment available, after admitting to
drowning the infant in January, court officials said.
The teenager will begin serving her sentence in state
custody of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. A
judge will determine whether she is eligible for
parole before her 19th birthday or should be
transferred to an adult prison.
In a juvenile lockup, the girl will have more options
than if she had been tried as adult. She will go to
school and get counseling.
The baby belonged to a family friend who was in jail.
Child Protective Services had placed the infant in the
home of the teenage girl's mother at the request of
the baby's mother, according to police.
Investigators said the girl confessed to submerging
2-month-old Justice Hull in a bowl of water because
she did not want her mother to adopt the baby. The
teenager's mother was at work at the time of the
George Ashford, the teen's attorney, said he wasn't
surprised by the sentence. He said the victory for his
client came earlier this year when the case was not
moved to adult court.
Dallas Morning News

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