Why Steve Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use Ipads, And Why You Shouldn’t Either

If you fall within the Gen-Y era like us, chances
are you’ve given a bunch of thought as to how
you would raise your own children in this day and
age (assuming you don’t have children already).
Especially with the rise of technology, so much
has changed since our childhoods in the 80s and
90s. Do we really need all of the latest gadgets
and devices? Will we allow of children to be
consumed by new technologies like the iPad?
Steve Jobs wouldn’t, and for good reason too.
Even the founder of Apple knows when to drawn
the line. Without a doubt, technology can enhance
our lives. But when it is abused, it can become a
destructive addiction. According to a study done
in 2013 , 38% of children in the United States
under the age of 2 have used an iPhone or an
iPad. In other words, babies are now becoming
familiar with gadgets before they are familiar
with forming proper sentences.
About 1/3rd of children between the ages of 8
and 10 have their own cellphones. Is this really
necessary? In a Sunday article, New York Times
reporter Nick Bilton said he once assumingly
asked Jobs, “So your kids must love the iPad?”.
Of course, the owner of Apple would make sure
his kids had all of the top of the line devices,
Steve Jobs responded:

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