ISIS Cuts Off The Hands of 4 Kids for Stealing Food and Toys

A mixed Sunni-Shia family that once lived in ISIS’
Iraqi stronghold of Mosul but has fled to live in
the Kurdish north after the terrorist group took
over the town last June, has provided deeper
insight and revelations about the horrors that
people living under the jihadis brand of sharia rule
must deal with.
In an interview with the Iraqi news website Rudaw
that was published on Tuesday, the Al-Saraj
family, with the father being a Sunni and the
mother being a Shia, explained that although they
are now living in the Kurdish town of Dohuk, they
still maintain contact with their friends and loved
ones that are still inside Mosul and subjected to
the barbarity of the group’s rule.
While it is no secret that the Islamic State
regularly amputates the hands of grown adults
who have been accused of stealing inside its
strongholds, apparently no exception is given by
the terrorists when a child is accused of stealing.
In the interview, the Saraj daughter, who is
referred to as just “SA,” read a text message that
she received from one of her friends that still lives
in Mosul, which indicated that the group’s police
force amputated the hands of four kids for
“Yesterday they cut off the hands of four kids,
ages 12, 11, 13 and 16,” the friend texted to SA.
“One of the kids stole a toy bird, another stole an
electric cable.”
SA’s brother, who is referenced as “Ibrahim,”
added to SA’s comments by showing the Rudaw
reporter a video of a preteen being shot in the
back of the head, execution style, by ISIS
terrorists because he stole food when he was
The report explains that because of ISIS’ takeover
in Mosul, there has been a food shortage in the
town and it is somewhat understandable why the
child stole the food. The video also shows the
kid’s father pleading for his son’s life before he
was ultimately executed.
“He stole something, he wanted to eat,” Ibrahim

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