Photos/Video: Inside Ajegunle hotel where 6 and 4 yrs old girls dance to entertain old men at night

Please don't Just read this but pass it around so that all those engaging in this wicked act will know that it's totally wrong and unacceptable. We were all once children and we will have our own children some day, if we already do not have.
Pictured are some little girls dancing, whining their waists for grown men at a hotel in Ajegunle, Lagos over the weekend. Although the kids are talented performers but the question being raised is if it's appropriate. It was at at 10pm at night, in front of grown men, in a hotel. The hotel, to make matters worse is notorious for call girls and weed smokers. So it right? The girls are said to be 4 and 6 years old respectively. Sure they'll get paid for their display of talent, but would you allow your precious daughter??? See more photos and the very heartbreaking video below...

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