Can't Believe What Fr Mbaka Did This Morning. See For Yourself

Let us pray. On this Mondaymorning, as the birds seek shelter from the winds, we come to this place today in need of your shelter, O God, creator of Heaven and Earth. Today Lord, as we anticipate the first of the long lovely evenings of spring, we thank you for the beauty around us, for the rain filling the lakes and the sun gradually warming the soil. Fill our intention too, O Lord to protect these lakes and soil from mis-use, pollution and destruction. May we learn to take only what we need and to put back so that all may share in your gifts. Lord, we are weary of the sadnesses and excesses of our world. Many of us have struggled through another week, getting tripped up by our passions, walking into envy, greed and materialism but acting surprised when resentment and self-pity are the results. We pray for pardon and for eyes to see those who have so little and ears to hear those who cry out to us for help. We pray now for those who are sick and for their caregivers. Give them strength and faith in you. We pray too for those who are destroying themselves through helpless indulgence. Show them a path, dear God, to hope and recovery. We especially pray as well for those trapped in seemingly hopeless situations, from the homeless of Halifax, to the seemingly endless strife in the Middle East. We pray for those who have died and for the people who miss them and always will. Lord, in silence now, hear our prayers for those we us to show that love and to appreciate those who cherish us. God of wisdom, we ask for your blessings on this church, its ministers and committees who face many decisions and tasks in the coming months. Grant them courage and strength for this work. Finally we pray for ourselves dear God....May we strive to live as you would intend us, following the example of your son, Jesus. Because of Him we are confident of your love. Grant us peace as we go out into this new week. Amen.

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