What Not to Wear on a First Date

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Going on a date is a stressful event in itself, so the last thing you want is any added stress by deciding what or what not to wear! To get the right outfit sorted, all that's needed is a bit of planning and a few key tips.

1. Too much make-up

If you look like you’ve dipped your head into a bucket of paint, there’s a chance he may be asking what you’ve got to hide. Many men rate too much make-up and perfume as a turn-off and even a sign of insecurity.

Highlight your assets, conceal your flaws, but don’t go overboard, especially if it’s a 'day date'. For night, choose to accentuate one feature – such as your eyes. And be careful about wearing too much lippie – especially if you want a good night kiss! Same goes for too much fake tan.

2. Too much perfume

A man should never be able to smell you before he sees you, but the trouble with your favourite perfume is that after a week or so, you can’t actually smell it on yourself. It’s natural when you’re nervous or want to make a good impression to go a little overboard. To avoid this, especially if your perfume is particularly strong and musky, spray it into the air and walk into the scent so you don’t assault his nostrals!

3. Sky high heels

Before you pull out your stilts, consider the date you’re going on. If you’re going for a picnic in the park or a walk on the beach, platform pumps probably aren’t the best option. And no matter how great they look, if you’re not comfortable and hobbling because of blisters, you’re not going to enjoy yourself.

Also consider your date’s height – if he’s shorter than you, it may make him feel uncomfortable. Height rules are still important in the dating game and unless he is really tall, towering over him in heels (no matter how hot they are) can be intimidating.

4. Fashion forward trends

Your outfit hot off the couture runways in Paris may get wows from the girls, but if you go over the top, it may not have the same effect on your guy. If fashion forward is your thing, then by all means go loud and proud and don’t tone down your fabulousness, but if you were thinking about wearing your meat dress and lobster hat, then perhaps save this for date two.

5. Too casual

Something that constantly rates as the top turn-off for women is men being dressed inappropriately for the occasion – but this is also goes the other way. Men always appreciate women who go to an effort. Unless you’re going for a hike or the beach, leave the trackies and flip flops for a pizza and movie night.

6. Overdressed

If you are not sure of how 'dressed up' an occasion is likely to be, being dolled up for a ball can be embarrassing. If this is the case, it’s best to go a little more casual, but wear something that you can adapt to suit the circumstances – such as a blazer or smart jacket.

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