SHOCKER! Man Brutally Rapes Mum to Death After Getting High on Cocaine (Photo)

a court has heard.
Alexander McDonald was previously described
as 'laid-back and gentle' but jurors were told he
killed his mother by stabbing and strangling her
after getting into a state of "sexual excitement".
Restaurant worker McDonald, 27, denies
murdering his 57-year-old mother Catherine but
admits manslaugther.
Exeter Crown Court heard he got drunk during a
wine tasting session at work and then snorted
cocaine before returning to his mother's home in
Norton Fitzwarren near Taunton, Somerset, late
one night last September.
The jury heard he exchanged some sexualised
texts during the small hours of the morning and
prosecutor Simon Laws QC said only child
McDonald was "in a state of sexual excitement".
Mr Laws said the victim, who worked as a carer
for elderly people, wore ear plugs in bed to help
her sleep - but she was still wearing them when
her body was found.
He said: "The evidence suggests she was
attacked while she was in bed asleep.
"It was a surprise attack.
"She stood no chance against her 27 year old
son who is well over six feet tall.
"He used at least three and in all probability four
weapons against her.
"Catherine McDonald died as a result of being
stabbed and strangled."
He said a kitchen knife was found in a bathroom
sink which had been used to stab her twice in
the chest which 'had penetrated right through
her body'.
He also strangled her with an electric power
cable which was still wrapped about her neck
like ligature when she was discovered.
Mr Laws said there were also non fatal wounds.
He told the court McDonald had used knitting
needles to stab her in the neck and one was still
in place, and a pathologist said she was still
alive when this happened.
There were scratches and bruises on her face,
body, arms, legs and neck as she struggled for
survival in the attack.
Mr Laws said on her neck there were also small
cuts which had been caused by a pair of nail
scissors used to poke and prod her neck.
He told the jury McDonald used the scissors to
"force her to submit to a sexual assault' and Mr
Laws said he raped her.
A condom was found and DNA was discovered
on the victim.
He said afterwards he fetched a knife from the
kitchen to stab his mother and strangle her with
the cable.
The court was told McDonald tried briefly to
clear up the scene before he fled in his mother's
Smart car taking his passport and emptying her
But he later crashed the car, flipping it over near
Tiverton, Devon, and he was later arrested by
police who then went on to discover his mother
had been murdered.
At one point he texted an ex girlfriend to say
that he would either be dead soon or in jail.
Mr Laws said: "He knew perfectly well what he
had done."
He said virtually nothing in police interviews and
officers said he appeared 'quite nonchalant'.
Other people said he was 'laid back and gentle'.
When he was told about the rape of his mother,
he said that was 'a bit of a shock to him'.
Mr Laws said McDonald had admitted
manslaughter but the prosecution say this was
murder and say being drunk or drugged does not
hide the intent to kill or cause really serious
"He was acting in a purposeful and deliberate
"He has no one else to blame for the state he
was in."
McDonald denies murder and his trial continues.

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