More Money More Problems! Floyd Mayweather's baby mama sues him for $20m

Is this why he refused to show off his cheque? Floyd
Mayweather's baby mama wants a chunk of his $
100m win and is suing the boxing champion for a
whooping $20m.According to TMZ :
Floyd Mayweather could lose tens of millions
of dollars from his big payday if his baby
mama gets her way ... because she's just filed
a lawsuit claiming he ruined her with lies to
save his own ass.
Josie Harris, who has 3 kids with Floyd,
claims he lied through his teeth in an
interview with Katie Couric just 2 weeks
before the big fight ... when he claimed Josie
was in a drug-fueled rage and he had to
"restrain" her during their infamous 2010
domestic violence incident.
Point of fact ... Floyd was convicted of
domestic violence and spent two months in
Josie recounts her terror in the lawsuit,
explaining how she and Floyd had broken up
... but he flew into a jealous rage that night,
broke into her home and viciously attacked
her while she was sleeping on her couch ...
and her kids saw part of the beating.
Harris says she is now labeled a drug addict
thanks to Mayweather's lies -- and was
embarrassed and humiliated on a global scale.
Her lawyer, Dan Friedlander, writes in the
lawsuit -- Floyd's lies to Couric "were
knowingly fabricated in order to hype
Mayweather's upcoming fight with Pacquiao,
to avoid bad press by deflecting responsibility
for beating the mother of his children."
Harris wants in excess of $20 million.

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