David Cameron wins election, gets to stay another 5 years

Cameron is on course for an extraordinary victory
as 'shy Tories' came out at the last moment to keep him
in Downing Street. He said it was 'too early to say' what
the final result of the General Election would be, but
added that there was 'the chance now to build on the
foundation' laid in the last parliament.
But the Tory leader will have to deal with SNP leader
Nicola Sturgeon who is cleaning up north of the border,
leaving Scotland as a near one-party state.
In a signal that he now accepts he will not be PM, Mr
Miliband said the next government 'has a huge
responsibility' to hold the UK together.
The SNP tide has swept aside Labour and Lib Dem big
beasts including Jim Murphy and Douglas Alexander in a
tide of nationalism which has already sparked calls for a
second independence referendum.
There are doubts that Mr Miliband will survive as leader
until Friday lunchtime, as he faces being left with 17
fewer seats than Gordon Brown, slumping to 239.
Some 50million people were eligible to vote in the most
closely fought campaign in a generation. Opinion polls
in recent weeks had Labour and the Tories neck and
neck, suggesting Britain faced political deadlock.
But an exit poll released at 10pm on Thursday
suggested voters switched to the Conservatives at the
last moment, giving Mr Cameron an unexpected but
welcome boost.
Daily Mail.

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