Girl Gives Birth to Baby Boy in Oyo after Having Sex with Snake (Photo)

The teenager who is an indigene of Ogbomoso in Oyo
State, but whose parents live in Minna, Niger State, has
told Sunday Tribune how she had sex with a snake in
her dream for four years and eventually got pregnant
without any physical relationship with any man.
Not only that, Kehinde was delivered of a baby boy in
the early hours of March 28, 2015. The baby, however,
brought strangeness as he had two teeth protruding from
the gum in its lower jaw. He
however died on Sunday, March 29 without any ill health
pinned to him.
For four years, Kehinde said she had to deal with a
strange spirit which always came to her in a dream in
form of a snake. She said the snake would turn into a
Fulani man who would have sex with her, and afterwards
transform into a snake, before crawling away.
She disclosed that she had to leave Niger State in
October 2014 for Ogbomoso, when she suddenly found
herself pregnant without having physical intercourse.
She was, however, full of joy that she received
deliverance from demonic possession through the
prayers and deliverance sessions she went through at
one church in Ogbomoso. She expressed appreciation to
the founder of the church, Apostle Johnson Olayinka
Afolabi a.k.a. Okoto Jesu, that God used him to set her
free from satanic bondage.
Narrating her story, Kehinde told Tribune :
"My parents live in Niger but I am from Ogbomoso, Oyo
State. I was troubled by an unseen spirit. I would see the
snake beside me. The snake would then turn to a Fulani
man who would have intercourse with me. It started
about four years ago.
After the intercourse, the Fulani man would turn to a
snake again and leave. Whenever I woke up, I would not
see any semen indicating that I had sexual intercourse.
But in the dream, he would climax and release in me.
I have never had any man who wooed me in real life and
looked like the man. His face was strange. The Fulani
man also used to appear to me in real life, but I was the
only person who would see him. He dared not see me
with any man, even if the person was my brother. He
would frown and warn me off the man. This would make
me change my countenance to whomever I was talking
Also, if I wanted to tell my parents what I was
experiencing, he would appear and warned me against
revealing anything. That was why the experience I was
having spanned some years."
Her life story changed when she discovered she was
pregnant towards the end of 2014. According to her,:
"I noticed that I was pregnant in October 2014. My
stomach started protruding and the change in me was
noticed by my mother and neighbours. They asked
whether I was pregnant and I said no. Though I did not
see my menses, my thinking was that it was a temporary
reaction and that it would still come since I didn't have
sexual intercourse.
When I went to a hospital to carry out a pregnancy test,
it was positive. I was surprised because I did not have
intercourse with any man. My parents did not believe me
and were furious with me. I was so confused that I left
Minna for Ogbomoso in Oyo State.
At Ogbomoso, someone told me about a church. I met
the founder, Apostle Johnson Olayinka Afolabi a.k.a.
Okoto Jesu. He asked me to go through marathon and
dry fasting which spanned 41 days.
After the fasting, I did not feel anything in my tummy
again. All I noticed was that my stomach would be flat
whenever I woke up in the morning but it would protrude
immediately I ate. I went through another fast in March
after which I experienced my miracle."
The alleged miracle happened on March 27.
"At about 9 a.m., I started feeling stomach pain. Nothing
was moving in me. I took some drugs and the pain
subsided. It started again and I had to go to Prophet
Afolabi . He prayed into water which he asked me to
drink. The pain did not subside.
By evening, the pain had become unbearable. Prophet
was told and he blessed water again and sent it to me
through one of his pastors. After drinking the water the
second time, I vomited. The vomit was smelly. That was
all I knew as I passed out.
I did not know how I got to the hospital. I learnt Okoto
Jesu poured water in the church bell and rang the bell
seven times, commanding all evil spirits in me to vanish
in the name of Jesus. I was then taken to a private
hospital (names withheld).
I became fully conscious of my environment during
delivery. The baby was also changing its skin to
different colours after birth. My mother was present in
the hospital. I noticed that the baby had two teeth in the
lower jaw. I did not breast-feed the baby. But he died on
Sunday, March 29.
Since then, I have been delivered and free from
manipulations of the spirit world. I no longer see the
snake or the Fulani man."
Kehinde also disclosed that she had familiar spirit and
belonged to a group of destroyers (egbe abatenije),
though she went through deliverance in 2011. Before the
deliverance, she said she used to see herself in the
midst of other children, with all of them adorning black
She also revealed that she was initiated into a demonic
group by four women whom she knew physically,
though saying that two of them were dead. But all that
had become a thing of the past, she stated.
The account of the girl was corroborated by Prophet
Afolabi who is popularly called Okoto Jesu. According to
"When Kehinde was brought to our church, we pressed
her stomach but couldn't feel any pregnancy. We told
her to go through dry fast.
She fasted for three days three times making a total of
nine days and she did it without any adverse effect,
which could not have been so if she was pregnant. She
also observed white fast. The prayers offered her and
the water given to drink turned the demons in her into a
human form which came out as a baby.
Even when she was taking to the hospital, the nurse
who examined her said she was still a virgin, which
confirmed that she was indeed possessed. It was simply
God at work." Okoto Jesu said that a case like that of
Kehinde had never happened in his church "though we
have had cases of women who were pregnant for six,
seven years but delivered when they got here."
Kehinde's mother, Mrs Adegoke, told Sunday Tribune
that Kehinde was a strange child right from when she
was in her womb, saying that the twin brother died at
birth. She disclosed that when Kehinde was undergoing
deliverance session in 2011, she was rolling on the
ground and screaming that witches should leave her
alone as she was no longer willing to be their tool.
Kingsley Eboigbe at 4:45 pm

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