Analyst predicts 1M Apple Watches sold over launch weekend, 2.3M by June

With Apple Watch on the horizon, industry
analysts are placing their bets on how many units
Apple can move on its first weekend of
availability, with one prediction pegging the
number at one million.
Based on a potential attach rate of less than one
percent of total iPhone users, Piper Jaffray
analyst Gene Munster said in a research note
published Tuesday he believes Apple could see
total Apple Watch sales hit one million units over
the weekend starting April 24.
The huge number includes both preorders and
launch sales, though it is not yet clear if Apple
will have stock on hand to sell to walk-in
Munster's logic banks on loyal customers who
are anxious to get their orders in on April 10.
Further, the analyst expects Apple to sell some
300,000 units in the first 24 hours of availability,
equating to an 8 percent attach rate on iPhone 6
and 6 Plus preorders.
Compared to Apple's recent iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
device debut, Apple Watch sales may see a boost
following initial release as the company sends out
product to partner resellers. As Apple Watch
supply is thought to be limited, Munster doesn't
expect to see these channel fill benefits at launch.
Looking forward, Munster estimates Apple will sell
8 million Apple Watches over the course of 2015,
which would tack on roughly $4.4 billion to
company revenue. As production ramps up, Apple
Watch sales could reach 40 to 50 million units by
2017, accounting for 10 percent of Apple's
projected revenue that year. Assuming that
volume, 8 to 10 percent of iPhone owners will
have purchased Apple Watch.
Preorders for Apple Watch are set to go live on
April 10, the same day Apple Stores and pop-up
shops around the world will preview the device to
interested customers. Sales start two weeks later
on April 24.

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